Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Stressed Out Today?

God Can Help!

"God will do battle for you. Just calm yourselves down!" (Exodus 14:14)

Yes, remember in everything you do: Exodus 14:14.  Notice the exclamation.  God says it, and He means it.  So take comfort and de-stress today.  He has a hold of all your circumstances.  He is battling for YOU.  Let Him.

I pray you have a great, God-inspired day today.

J.P. Osterman

If you're interested in more of my daily inspirations, you can check out my devotional book at, God Designed: 366 Days of Inspiration

You'll receive 366 daily readings, a bonus Easter week, and a Day 367.  Hey, I'm a sci-fi writer at heart; and who knows what the future will look like for humanity in 30,000 if God doesn't rapture us, right?

Bye for today!

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